Coop Open Application for Membership

As we approach our 10th anniversary, COOP Curatorial Collective is excited to announce a new Open Application process for membership. Until now, our membership has been based on invitation by an existing member. We recognize the limits of that approach and are eager to become more accessible to our fellow artists and arts advocates. 

COOP welcomes applicants of diverse identities and experiences to join. There are no educational requirements for membership and no application fees. Both artists and non-artists are welcome however applicants must be at least 18 years old. More than anything, membership requires passion and dedication to being a part of the community, contributing vision, time, and energy toward contemporary art in Nashville in line with the mission and vision of COOP gallery.

To apply, CLICK HERE and complete this FORM

All Applications due: Nov 30, 2020 by 11:59pm


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Fall 2020 Artist-in-Residence: Yanira Vissepo